ZyXEL firewall2


Security is a multifaceted issue that must be addressed to avoid abuse of your network from hackers and employees.

While you are connected to the Internet your network is open to the public unless it is protected by a firewall. Networks that are connected to the Internet are vulnerable to malicious attacks from hackers and virus infection. A well configured firewall will block uninvited visitors whilst allowing remote access to authorised users and services.

Many firewalls now offer a host of other advanced features such as gateway antivirus, spam filtering, content filtering and the ability to block specific applications such as instant messaging to add further protection and restrict how the Internet is used within the office.

Academy have the expertise to configure and deploy a wide range of firewall devices from many vendors including:

Juniper NetScreen


Internally, sensitive information such as personnel records, management reports and accounts data can be protected by configuring permissions that only allow access for those who are authorised. Passwords to access the network should be changed on a regular basis and should be sufficiently complex that they cannot be compromised.

Academy can advise on all aspects of network security, firewalls, virus protection and implement a security policy to protect your data and systems.